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Translate CMS/Block pages in Magento with the inline translator

By Miguel Balparda

Even though Magento has a native inline translator, it doesn’t work for CMS pages and static blocks. For different languages, Magento does provide the option of creating one CMS page or static block for each of the different languages and assigning it to the correct store view.

This issue came up when developing a new Magento clothing eCommerce Platform, specifically when we needed to make the site available in multiple languages.

In order to avoid doubling the amount of CMS pages and blocks and the time that would be required to maintain them, I did some research. I came upon some forum answers that I was able to create an extension out of. The extension uses the inline translator used by default in Magento, extending this feature to the CMS pages and static blocks.

The extension has had more than 300 visits in the last few days, showing a huge interest by the Magento community.

The GIT source can be found at the following link. Feel free to submit any comments, issues, or pull requests: https://github.com/miguelbalparda/MB_Translate

The extension has been submitted to Magento Connect and will be available soon for download.

Miguel Balparda has been developing Magento for almost four years. During this time, he has witnessed the exponential growth the platform has undergone; today it is one of the largest and most popular online stores in the world. There is a great deal of documentation and resources available for both merchants and developers. It is best to start by scanning the official Magento website, where you can find resources to get in touch with the application, as well as free extensions to learn the structure of modules. Miguel can be contacted at communication@santexgroup.com